Digger LONKING LG6225

Nuovo prodotto

Digger LONKING LG6225

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finisce Asta: 2016/10/06 13:17:00
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 Scheda tecnica

Year 2010
Model LG6225
Country Italy
Condition Used
Tax Taxes not included
Service charges included


Digger LONKING LG6225

 Contenuto della confezione


 Inspection of items or goods at auction will be carried out at the location where they are located, within a period of 2 to 7 days before the date of the auction. Always by appointment.


Grade A: Excellent condition.

Grade B: Good condition.

Grade C: Pre-Owned.

Grade D: With defects.

Grade E: With breaks or does not work.

Grade F: Poor state.


The payment of the auction will be awarded within 7 business days after winning the auction.


All items or assets awarded will be collected by the winner of the auction at the place where they are located and will bear all costs of disassembly and transportation.



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Tel. 956 00 44 42

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Digger LONKING LG6225

Digger LONKING LG6225

Digger LONKING LG6225